title loans Tucson

Title Loans: Can I Get More Money Than I Was Approved For?

There’s no denying that title loans are a powerful financial tool, and one often used by everyday Americans to get through financial emergencies of every kind. Why are the title loans in Tucson, Arizona so useful? The main reason is that on top of being more accepting of all types of credit scores than traditional loans, the title loans in Tucson are also faster by leaps and bounds.

In fact, title loans are often so useful, that a common question is whether you can get more money than you were approved for. The answer is complicated by a few different factors, but essentially boils down to no. Don’t despair though, there are still a number of ways to get the extra money you need after taking out a loan.

The Basics

Before getting into complexities, it’s worth giving an overview of the title loan process so the basic dynamics can be understood. The basics of a title loan are simple, title loans use the value of your car to secure a loan. Basically, the more your car is worth, the higher the loan you can get. This doesn’t mean you have to hand in your car for the length of the loan by the way for the duration of the loan, you’ll be able to keep driving it as normal.

The size of your loan is thus determined by the value of your car: this isn’t to say it’s a one-to-one exchange though. Just because you might be able to sell your car for a certain amount doesn’t mean that’ll be the amount of your loan. Unfortunately, the exact amount can’t be predicted beforehand, though it will rest on the make, model, and condition of your vehicle.

Cash Options

title loan amount options

Now that we understand the basics, it’s time to answer the question fundamentally at the heart of whether you can get more money than you were approved for: how do I get the cash I need? And there’s a few answers to that question.

  • Take out a second loan. One way of getting extra cash, if you find the amount you got from your title loan, isn’t enough to meet whatever financial situation you’re experiencing is to simply get another title loan on a second vehicle. As with the first title loan you’ll have to be sure that you’re the sole owner of the vehicle on the title, and that the title is lien-free, but those two things being true, getting a second loan is an entirely viable way of getting more cash, and the title loans Tucson has to offer have you covered.
  • Sell your belongings. Another option for quickly getting cash is to sell some of the things you own. This can take the shape of a quick garage sale to get rid of old knickknacks and furniture, or doing a little more work and selling your belongings online on sites like Amazon or Ebay. If you’re feeling especially desperate, you can even resort to selling jewelry and electronics to your local pawn shop.
  • Start gig work. Whether you’re already employed or are currently out of a job, a side gig is the perfect way to trade in spare time for a little extra cash. In today’s connected world it’s also easier than ever to find gigs to work: Uber and Lyft are available for everyone with a car, and sites like Fiverr and Upwork can connect you with potential customers quickly and securely.
  • Ask for a personal loan. While none of us want to have to ask our friends or family for a personal loan, sometimes you really don’t have another choice. It’s uncomfortable, but just grit your teeth and be as straightforward as possible. Also important is that it’s clear to both you and your chosen family or friend how much the loan will be for, how long you’ll take in repaying it, and how much interest you’ll pay if any at all on it.
  • Save. While this won’t get you money immediately, drastically cutting back on your spending can start showing dividends within just a week. Cutting small expenses like coffee everyday will take significantly longer that a week or two to pile up, so start by cutting larger expenses like saving for a vacation or shopping for food. For the latter try and use up all the ood you have in your house first. Food is food, after all.
  • Pull from your retirement. For truly desperate emergencies, you can start taking out money early from your retirement fund. Now, not all of us have one of those to begin with, and even if you do you’ll have to pay taxes on however much you pull out. It also, obviously, means you’ll have less money saved for your golden years, but if you need cash quickly it can be useful.

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Daniel Dewitt

Daniel Dewitt is a lifetime blogger with a finely-honed ability to break down, analyze, and interpret economic trends for the layman. He's fiercely invested in spreading financial literacy and helping everyday people gain the tools they need for their own economic success.

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