The Step By Step Way To Get A Prescott Title Loan
Financial emergencies can strike at any time. If the plumbing breaks or somebody in the family gets sick, you may face unexpected bills of hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Don’t let these money problems stress you out. If you live in Prescott, Arizona, come to Fast Auto Loans, Inc. for a Prescott title loan.
How To Apply For A Prescott Title Loan
When it comes to a Prescott title loan from us, we make sure our process is simple and quick. In fact, if you go through the entire process and we decide you qualify for approval, you could get the money you need on the same day or the next business day. Plus, you can qualify even if you have poor credit! If you find yourself needing a title loan, here is a complete breakdown of our process.
Fill Out The Online Form
The first step to starting our process involves you filling out the online form found on our website. The purpose of the form is to get us your basic information so we can get the ball rolling. This means you don’t have to come see us quite yet just to give us your basic information. The form is very short, and the information is only used for a loan representative to contact you.
Speak With Us Over The Phone
Once you submit the form, you’ll get a call from one of our loan representatives from the nearest Fast Auto Loans, Inc. location. He or she will answer your questions and explain the requirements. They will also set up an appointment for you to either come into the closest Prescott, AZ title loan store or have us come meet you somewhere else to assess the required items. You must have:
- Your driver’s license or state-issued photo ID.
- Your vehicle for a quick inspection.
- Your lien-free vehicle title to use as collateral.
Meet Us For The Appointment
When you’re ready and have your required items, you are ready for the appointment. Remember, this appointment can either take place at the store or at another location. This appointment serves as an opportunity for us to assess your required items and inspect your vehicle. The vehicle inspection allows us to determine how much you could get if you’re approved.
You don’t need to have a brand new car to apply for a Prescott title loan, but bear in mind that the loan amount you qualify for depends on the vehicle model and condition. If the car is in good condition, with no dents or scratches, you’re more likely to get a higher loan than if it is damaged. Other factors considered in the loan amount are the vehicle model, age, and mileage.
Go Over The Loan Terms And Get The Cash
Once we have a chance to assess your information and inspect your vehicle, you should know within minutes if you are approved for the Prescott title loan. As you can see, we don’t put your credit at the forefront of our process. While there may be a chance we will run a credit check, this does not mean you can’t qualify if you have poor credit.
If you do qualify for approval, we will then sit down and go over our loan terms. This is where we will discuss your fees and your repayment schedule. This is also where you can ask any remaining questions you have. The important thing is that you understand everything, so make sure you get the answers you need. We will also go over the paperwork you need to complete.
When it comes to the paperwork, you don’t have to worry about us giving you a mountain to complete. We just need you to sign a few things to verify that we did go over the loan terms and that you agree with the terms. Your paperwork basically details everything we will talk about, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything – it is all right there in detail.
Once you agree with the terms and are finished with the paperwork, you can get the money you need. Remember, you can get between $300 - $15,000 either on the same day or the very next day. Yes, it’s that fast! And the best part is you don’t have to give up your vehicle while you are repaying the loan. Once you find out if you are approved, you can drive away in your vehicle.
Get A Title Loan In Prescott, AZ Now
As you can see, coming to Fast Auto Loans, Inc. for a Prescott Title Loan is not difficult. So the next time you are dealing with expensive medical bills, an emergency flight, or a sudden massive home repair, you can handle it with ease. Just follow our guide and you can get your title loan in no time. Fill out the online form on our website now to get started.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.