7 Common Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Arizona Car Title
Dealing with an Arizona car title, whether transferring ownership or securing an Arizona title loan, isn't supposed to be difficult, but it can go wrong if you’re not careful. From crossing out mistakes to forgetting to transfer the title, these common errors can cause big headaches. Luckily, this guide can help you avoid them.
Let's dive into seven common mistakes you might be making with your Arizona car title and how fixing them can make your title eligible for an Arizona title loan.
7 Common Mistakes You Could Be Making With Your Arizona Vehicle Title
1. You've Crossed Out Mistakes
When you spot an error on your car title, it's best to leave it alone. Erasing something or using correction fluid is a surefire way to immediately void your title. If you have to correct misinformation, you should take it to your local DMV and ask for the error to be corrected through official processes.
Getting any issues removed from your title is actually quite an easy fix. If you have just purchased the vehicle, you'll need to submit for a new title anyway, so you can easily make changes when you submit for the new one. All you have to do is ensure you include the incorrect one with your other documentation when you come to the DMV.
2. The Vehicle Title Is Physically Damaged
A simple accident can sometimes be enough to void your Arizona vehicle title. If you try to sell your vehicle with a damaged title (i.e., water damage, rips, tears, or incorrect markings) the transaction will not be successful. You need a title with no damage. Fix the problem before attempting to sell. Apply for a duplicate title ahead of time to avoid any problems.
3. The Wrong Person Signed It
When it comes to preparing for issues with your Arizona vehicle title, you even have to prepare for people backing out at the last minute. Your potential buyer could back out of your vehicle-selling deal at the last minute — even once you've already signed the transfer and it's ready to go! Alternatively, you may have received a title with a different buyer’s name on it.
Either way, the title is void now and you can’t use it. You must head to the DMV and register for a new Arizona car title by filling out the relevant paperwork and paying the fees. Granted, this might cause some annoyance. However, it's more than worth it because you won't be able to sell the car until the transfer occurs.
4. You Never Transferred The Title Into Your Name
Not getting the Arizona vehicle title transferred to your name is a bad practice to get into. But that isn't the worst part — it's illegal to float a title! Even though it may not seem like such a big deal, there are plenty of consequences that you won't want to deal with. As soon as you notice your name isn't on the title, you need to go through the process of having it corrected.
It'll do yourself (and whoever you sell the car to) a huge favor if you correct the problem before you try to sell it. Here's something else to note — if you're about to buy a car and realize the seller's name is incorrect, walk away, even if it's a great deal. Otherwise, you'll suffer the consequences of a potential scammer. After all, the vehicle could be stolen.
5. The Mileage Is Wrong
Truthfully, odometer issues on your Arizona vehicle title aren't as big of an issue as some of these other mistakes. However, if you want to correct the problem, just head to the DMV as you would with any other problem and ask them to change it. That said, you won't be able to do this if the mileage issue stems from a problem that went unsolved during your purchase of the car.
6. You've Kept Both The Original And Duplicate Title
Your original document is void as soon as you receive the new Arizona vehicle title. The duplicate is clearly marked in the DMV's system, so the DMV knows whether it's the original or not. It's always best to destroy the original title if you still have it. You don't want to deal with the stress that can occur if you accidentally sell your car with the original title and not the duplicate!
7. You Don't Know That You Can Get Emergency Money With Your Arizona Vehicle Title
Finally, you may not be aware that you can use your correct vehicle title to secure a vehicle title loan in Arizona! With a vehicle title loan in Arizona through us at Fast Auto Loans, Inc., you can get between $300 to $15,000, depending on the value of your vehicle. Go to our website and fill out the online form to learn more. You’ll get a call from the nearest Arizona location to help you out.
Make Sure You Avoid These Vehicle Title Mistakes!
By keeping all seven of these mistakes and their solutions in mind, you won't have to worry about your Arizona vehicle title. So make sure you learn these mistakes so you can avoid them. And when you've fixed any issues you notice, you can get a vehicle title loan in Arizona from us easily. Just complete our online form to get started and we'll help you through the rest.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.