Person pushin New Year Financial Resolutions Button

The Most Effective Way To Set Your Financial Resolutions

When it comes to goals, a common goal we have is to have stable finances. Having financial resolutions keeps us motivated to work on our finances and make sure they stay on the right path. And the good thing is it doesn’t have to be difficult to set financial resolutions that you can actually keep. Here are five ways you can set your financial goals and really work to have stability.

Top 5 Ways To Set Financial Resolutions That Stick

1. Be Prepared For It To Feel Hard

Unfortunately, sticking to financial resolutions isn't as simple as solving a few math problems. Money problems run a lot deeper than that, making it an emotional affair. While everybody is different, emotions usually dictate financial behaviors.

Couple that with the difficulty many experience when discussing financial matters, and it becomes twice as hard to mention your financial goals and challenges. At times, your brain may rationalize a money-spending decision in the moment.

The actual reality is that decision will only take you further away from your resolution. So, be prepared to fight your brain on this — and yes, it'll feel tricky. But if you're expecting hardship, you're more equipped to face it when the time comes.

2. Understand Why You're Setting Financial Resolutions

Setting financial resolutions at the beginning of the year feels natural. After all, it's deemed the best time to make a change. However, that fact alone won't be enough motivation to help you stick to your plans throughout the year. Instead, you need to think about how changing the way you handle your finances will benefit your life. The benefits might be:

  • Peace of mind that you're able to pay your bills each month;
  • Allowing you to save effectively for your dream vacation or wedding;
  • Paying off your mortgage;
  • Finding new ways to save money.

3. Try To Kick Your "All Or Nothing" Attitude

As soon as January 1 comes around, it feels like you need to succeed straight away. The clock strikes midnight, and all of a sudden, you have to handle your money perfectly every single day; otherwise, you've failed.

Ditching this mindset helps you effectively set financial resolutions by allowing yourself to look at the bigger picture, not your day-to-day success rate. Focus on your goal even if you deviate from the path every once in a while. It's okay to get back on the horse tomorrow.

4. Turn Your Resolutions Into SMART Goals

Setting SMART, i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely, goals is the most effective way to set and stick to your financial goals in 2022. If you are wondering how to start using this method, here is how each letter breaks down into organizing your goals:

  • Specific — Instead of "I want to reduce my spending," be specific by saying, "I want to reduce my spending by 10% every month."
  • Measurable — You need to have something to measure. Resolutions like, "I want to feel better about my financial state," are difficult to track.
  • Achievable — Do you have the ability to achieve your goal? For instance, is it possible to reduce your spending by 10% every month and still pay for your essentials?
  • Realistic — Are you confident you can accomplish your goal? Bargaining on things like winning the lottery isn't realistic.
  • Timely — Give yourself a deadline you can actually keep to achieve your goal. Having a timeline keeps you motivated to succeed.

5. Acknowledge Your Progress

No matter how small you think your progress is, celebrate it! Patting yourself on the back when you take little steps promotes positivity, meaning you're more likely to keep going. And taking the time to celebrate your small wins will make you want to work even harder to get to your ultimate goals.


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Don't Let Emergencies Derail Your Financial Resolutions

If you encounter emergencies while on the road to achieving your financial resolution, it's worth knowing where to look for money without derailing your plans. A car title loan is an option here to help you out. This fast title loan from Fast Auto Loans, Inc. allows you to borrow between $300 and $15,000 when you use your vehicle’s lien-free title as collateral.

We determine how much you can qualify for based on your vehicle’s value and condition – which we determine through a quick vehicle inspection. The money you qualify for can help to pay off overdue bills, fund medical expenses, or pay for urgent home repairs. And another benefit of getting a fast title loan through us is you can qualify even if you have poor credit.

The process of getting a title loan is simple. Just fill out our online form on the website. This form allows the nearest fast auto title loan location to give you a call. We will set up a meeting either at the store or you can have us come to you. We will inspect your vehicle and assess your information to determine if you qualify. If you do, you will get the money the same day or next.

Set Your Financial Resolutions Correctly This Year

Being prepared for hardship, setting SMART goals, and following our other tips will help you set financial resolutions you can keep. And if you run into an emergency without the funds to back it up, remember a fast car title loan is an option. Fill out the online form now to get started on our process.

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Emma Frost

Emma Frost is a lifestyle and finance blogger with a talent for communication and a passion for financial literacy. She uses her writing talents to explore topics that help her readers gain financial stability and growth.

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You will be on your way to our store in no time since the call only takes a few minutes. All you need is the following items:

  • Driver’s License or State Issued I.D.
  • Lien-Free Title to Your Vehicle
  • Your Vehicle for Inspection

We also welcome all credit, so fill out our online request form and get started now!

All you have to do to start the process right now is submit our online request form on this page and one of our friendly store associates will call you right back.

When you’re ready to get the emergency cash you need without all the hassles of a traditional loan, Fast Auto Loans, Inc. has you covered. It doesn't matter what has left you in need of cash, because with a car title pawn you could get up to $15,000 today.

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