Why The Registration Loan Process Is So Easy And How It Works
If you need quick cash for an emergency, a registration loan could be your solution. At Fast Auto Loans, Inc., we've streamlined the registration loan process to make it as simple and fast as possible. Here’s why the registration loan process is easy and how it works.
Why the Registration Loan Process Is So Easy
The Required Items List Are Short
The first reason that the registration loan process is easy is the required items list is short. Those seeking a registration loan from us at Fast Auto Loans, Inc. only need four things to find out if they qualify for approval. The most important requirement is to have a vehicle registered in Arizona under your name. This is what you are using as collateral, so it is important that it is in your legal name and registered in Arizona.
You also need a current driver's license or state-issued photo ID from Arizona to prove that you are not a minor – because minors can’t legally get any kind of loan here or anywhere else. The other two requirements are your valid and correct social security number and a blank check from a checking account that is open, active, and in your name. Everything you bring must be listed in Arizona since this type of loan isn't available anywhere else.
You Can Get The Money Quickly
One aspect of the registration loan process is that – if you are approved for the loan – getting your money can be very fast. The entire process in the store can happen in as quick as half an hour and you will have the money either later in the day you sign the papers or the next regular business day. And if you are approved for this loan at Fast Auto Loans, Inc., you can get up to $900 to help you handle your emergency expenses quickly and easily.
It Is Simple To Get In Contact With Us
Another aspect that makes the registration loan process easy is that we make it super simple to contact us. We want to make sure you get all your questions and concerns dealt with in a timely manner. This means you can either give us a quick call whenever you need to at 1-800-514-2274. You can also go to our website and chat with us right online whenever you need help with any part of the process. Likewise, you can also come to one of our stores to ask us questions in person.
The Process Is Simple To Understand
The simplest part of the registration loan process is understanding the actual steps of the process. You can start the process online by filling out an inquiry form found on the website. Someone from the closest Fast Auto Loans, Inc. store – which you can find on our locations page on our website – will call you to talk about the process and make sure you have all the required documents. Then, all you do is go to a store with your documents to finish.
At that point, a loan representative will look over your documents and do a credit check. There is no need to do a vehicle inspection since this is not a title loan and we are not basing how much you could get on your vehicle’s condition. Instead, we base how much you could get by your credit, your financial situation, and how much you could realistically repay us. This is why we need to check your credit and look at your checking account before we make any decisions.
We will then decide if you qualify for approval and how much we can lend you. We will then go over the loan terms and help you finalize the remaining paperwork. This is also where you can ask any remaining questions you have about the process, the repayment, or about your credit history. You can even ask about getting a title loan if you don’t qualify for this kind of loan. Your registration will be given back to you when the loan is repaid.
Ready for a Fast Registration Loan?
Now that you know how easy it is to get a registration loan with us, why wait? Fill out the online form today and get started on your fast, easy loan application.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.