How A Registration Loan Can Help Your Finances During An Emergency
A financial emergency can leave you needing urgent funds, and Fast Auto Loans, Inc. can help with that! You can access up to $900 through a registration loan that requires only a few items and pays out quickly.
This short article will guide you through everything you need to know about registration loans. Learn what a registration loan is, how it’s different from other loan types, and how it can help you get fast cash in an emergency.
What Is a Registration Loan, and Why Is It Different?
A registration loan is a quick and easy way to borrow money using your vehicle's registration as collateral. Unlike a title loan, where you need to own your vehicle outright, registration loans allow you to borrow money even if you're still making payments on your car.
A registration loan is a great alternative to other loan types if you don’t have a lien-free title. It offers flexibility in borrowing up to $900 quickly.
That makes it an alternative worth considering if you can’t get a title loan, which requires you to be the car’s full owner. Registration loans differ from some other kinds of loans because of their unique advantages, which you’ll discover more of in the next section below.
What Makes A Registration Loan Helpful?
A registration loan could be helpful in a financial emergency, especially when you have little time or energy to waste and need money urgently. Here are a few reasons why that’s the case:
1. It Only Has A Few Requirements
First and foremost, this type of loan only has a few requirements you need to meet. You must be at least 18 years old to begin, and you must provide these items:
- Identification: You must provide a valid Arizona driver’s license for identification purposes. Alternatively, you can also provide another valid photo ID.
- Registration: You must also provide an Arizona Motor Vehicle Registration for this loan. That registration must be in your name and no one else’s.
- Social Security: A valid Social Security Number is also necessary.
- Checking account: Lastly, you must have an active and registered account in your name.
If you’re like most people, you likely already have these within arm’s reach. That means you can get started right away!
2. The Process Is Quick
There are two things most people are short of during a financial emergency: time and energy. A registration loan can be helpful in that kind of situation because its processes are quick. That means you can complete it as soon as possible and return to managing whatever issues you face.
For example, the in-person process can take as little as 30 minutes to complete. Then, if you’re approved, you could get the money as early as the same day or by the following business day.
3. We Welcome All Credit
This type of loan is also helpful because it’s accessible to many borrowers, regardless of their credit type. You don’t need perfect credit to find out if you can get this loan. Ensure you can meet the requirements and you will go through the same process as everyone else. However, do keep in mind that we will have to do a credit check before we can make any decisions.
4. A Representative Will Guide You
Borrowing money can be stressful, even for people who are used to the process. That’s especially true when you have an emergency occupying your mind. Thanks to the representative who will guide you every step of the way, you can expect total peace of mind when getting a registration loan.
5. You Can Start Anytime
Last but not least, you can start the process anytime by using your mobile device from the comfort of your home. First, fill out the easy online form with your information to begin!
How Do You Get A Registration Loan?
Getting the registration loan is as easy as 1-2-3, and here are the steps you’ll go through:
Step 1: Submit Your Information
As you read earlier, the first step is to submit your information through the easy online form from our homepage at Fast Auto Loans, Inc. That information includes your name, phone number, and ZIP code.
Submitting that form will send your information to a nearby representative. Soon after that, they’ll call your phone to discuss the loan and set a time to meet you in person.
Step 2: Meet The Representative
Meet the representative with the required items. They’ll verify your information and help you complete the process.
Step 3: Get Your Money!
If approved, you’ll have to sit back and wait for the money. It could come to you as early as the same day or by the next business day. Then, you can make your urgent payments to solve your financial emergency!
Take The First Step Now
There’s no time to waste when struggling with a financial emergency, so start immediately! Get in touch with Fast Auto Loans, Inc. now by submitting your information. Then, prepare the required items while you wait for the call.
Once you speak to the helpful representative, they’ll walk you through the entire process until it’s completed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or raise concerns if you have them!
Want to learn more? Fill out our online application, and a loan representative will contact you shortly!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.