How To Get A Loan With Bad Credit In Arizona
Financial emergencies can happen to anyone and at any time. Someone in your family may get sick, and you have to pay for hospital bills or medicines. Your car may break down, and you need it to get to work. Or you need expensive dental treatments that aren’t covered by insurance.
You need to raise money quickly. But none of your friends can lend you the amount you need, and you’re unable to take out a bank loan because of your low credit history. Luckily though, there are ways to get a loan even when you may not be in the best financial status. Here's how to get an online title loan with bad credit.
Ask Your Employer For A Cash Advance
Your employer may be willing to lend you the amount you need and let you pay it off over several months. You may need to sign a contract so you can’t resign until you pay off the full amount. Just make sure to adhere to the terms so you stay in good standing with your employer.
Larger companies may also have employee loan cooperatives, which lets you borrow money at a lower interest than banks’. Ask your Human Resources Department about these benefits.
Find Someone Who Can Co-Sign Your Loan
Banks may be willing to approve a loan if you find a guarantor. This means the person vouches for you and is ready to assume the loan if you are unable to pay for it. This also means you have to find someone reliable and trustworthy to co-sign the loan.
The guarantor must show proof of income or other ability to pay the loan and accompany you to the bank to sign the necessary documents.
Apply For A Title Loan
Do you have a car, motorcycle, or any vehicle under your name? Then you can use this to apply for a title loan. And the best part is your bad credit doesn’t disqualify you from getting this loan. So you don’t have to worry about that when you apply.
Arizona title loans enable you to borrow from $300 to $15,000, based on your vehicle make and model, and its current condition. This loan is great for helping you handle any pressing emergencies you find yourself in.
What Is A Title Loan?
A title loan is a loan you receive when you use your vehicle’s title as collateral. As I said, it doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle you own – whether it is a car or even an RV – you can still use the title as collateral. Just make sure the vehicle is in your name only and the title is lien-free – which means that it is free of any outstanding loans or judgments.
Benefits Of Title Loans
Here are some benefits you have to know about when you get a fast loan from Arizona:
- Bad or non-existent credit accepted. Most banks require you to have a credit score of at least 700 to qualify for any loan. And in the recent economic crisis caused by COVID-19, they’re even more strict about loan requirements. However, you can get title loans even if you have a bad credit history or even no credit history at all.
- We have an easy application process. Title loans are one of the fastest ways to raise emergency cash. You don’t need to submit a lot of documents, and the entire application process can be finished in one day.
- You get to keep your car when you get your cash. You are using the title as collateral, so you don’t need to surrender your vehicle! As long as you keep up with the payment schedule, you get to continue using it just like before.
- Get your money right away. You will either get the money on the same day you are approved or the very next bank business day.
You Don’t Have A Lot Of Requirements With Vehicle Title Loans
Unlike bank loans, which often ask for income tax returns and other papers, the only documents you need to show are your driver’s license or state-issued ID and a lien-free car title. Lien-free means that there are no outstanding loans or judgments. You will also have to bring your vehicle for a quick inspection to determine how much you can qualify for.
The car has to be under your name. If you are the owner but it is jointly owned or registered under somebody else, you have to go to the DMV to have it transferred.
Find Title Loans Near Me
We are one of the most trusted providers of title loans, known for excellent customer service and convenient application process.
You can either choose to begin the application online and then come into a title loan location or give us a location and we will come to you. Either way, here’s what you need to do:
- Fill out the online form found on our website;
- Our loan representative will call you right away. He or she will answer questions you may have about title loans and explain the process and requirements;
- This is also where you can give us a location to meet you if you’d rather not come into the store. Either way, you still have to have your driver’s license or ID, the vehicle, and the title;
- Let the representative inspect your vehicle and check your items. They will then determine how much you qualify for and if you qualify for approval;
- If you do get approved, you will receive the amount you qualify for either the same day or the very next bank business day.
When an emergency hits or you run across tough financial times, it is difficult to navigate if you have bad credit. Getting financial assistance becomes very hard if your credit is less than great. Banks and other financial institutions are wary of loaning cash to someone whose credit is weak. But, as these tips show, there is a way to get a loan with bad credit.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.