How To Get A Prescott Valley Title Loan
Do you have emergency expenses and are struggling to handle them on your own? It can be difficult to keep up with your regular expenses and an emergency expense all at the same time. The good news is receiving a Prescott Valley title loan is easier than many people think if you know about the process beforehand.
In fact, at a Fast Auto Loans, Inc. location in Arizona, our process only involves four simple steps to get through our entire title loans process. We make sure everything is simple and quick for you to understand and get through. All you have to do is use this quick guide to help you get through the easy steps and get the cash you need today!
Follow These Steps For A Prescott Valley Title Loan
1. Make Sure You Qualify
The first step in the Prescott Valley title loan process is simply making sure that you qualify. There’s no point in wasting your time going through the steps of the application only to find out you don’t have the needed requirements. Making sure you qualify first will save you a lot of time and energy.
You only need three things to find out if you qualify for a title loan from us. First, you need a driver’s license or state-issued photo ID to prove that you are 18 years or older. You will also need your title and your vehicle. The title is the most important requirement. It needs to be free from any liens, proving that you (and you alone) own the vehicle completely.
The vehicle is also an important requirement. We will inspect your vehicle to determine its value and condition. The value and condition of the vehicle will determine how much money you get if we approve you. We offer title loans up to $15,000, but the vehicle's value and condition are the ultimate determiners of how much your loan is worth.
This loan type is a popular loan choice because credit is not a big factor in whether we can approve you or not. This means you still have the opportunity to get approved for this loan even if you happen to have bad credit. Just make sure the three items mentioned above are ready to go when you meet with us.
2. Fill Out Our Inquiry Form
After you confirm you have everything you need for a Prescott Valley, AZ title loan, the next thing to do is go to our website to fill out the online form. This form allows you to send us your basic contact information. Just fill out all of the information and submit the form. Although this form is not the title loan application, it begins the process.
After you submit the form, we will start processing it and give you a call. A representative from there will call you to confirm your information, answer any of your questions, go over the required items you need to have with you, and set up a time for us to meet either at the nearest Arizona loan store or you can have us come to you instead.
3. Apply To Get A Prescott Valley Title Loan
At the time of your appointment, bring your required items and meet with Fast Auto Loans, Inc. representatives. At this point, you will formally apply for a Prescott Valley title loan. This step in the process is fast, convenient, and easy. In the case that you have everything ready to go, this step can take just 30 minutes or so to complete.
Because your vehicle is what allows you to run errands, get to work, and go about your everyday life, you might be concerned about how you will get around if approved. Luckily, you get to keep your vehicle throughout the entire title loan process, from beginning to end. After the inspection, you get to keep your vehicle just as you normally would – even if you do get approved for the loan.
4. Get Your Money!
The only thing left to do is to get your Prescott Valley title loan! We bet that this will be your favorite step in the process! Fast Auto Loans, Inc. offers title loan money quickly. Depending on the time of day you apply, you may get your title loan money the very same day you are approved. At the very latest, you will get the money the next, which is still incredibly fast.
Apply For A Prescott Valley Title Loan Today!
If you need a fast way to get a loan, consider a title loan in Prescott Valley, Arizona. At Fast Auto Loans, Inc., there are only four steps in the process for you to easily complete. Once you confirm you have everything you need, fill out our inquiry form. We will return your call shortly so we can set up a time and place for us to meet.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.