title loan cash in emergency fund box

Take Care Of Emergency Bills With The Help Of A Title Loan

When unexpected bills pile up, a title loan from Fast Auto Loans, Inc. could be the fast solution you need. Whether it’s medical expenses, car repairs, or overdue rent, a title loan can help you get the cash you need quickly, often on the same day.

How Do Title Loans Work?

Title loans differ from traditional loan options in key ways, making them especially useful for emergency situations. Let’s break down the main aspects of title loans and how they work:

1. It’s A Secured Loan

Firstly, a title loan is a type of secured loan. Secured loans require you to provide some form of collateral to secure any money you’ll borrow. The collateral will also help determine how much you qualify to borrow.

In this case, the collateral you must provide is a lien-free car title. That means the title must be free from any outstanding loans or judgments, and you own the vehicle outright.


financial statements on desk with text Take Care Of Emergency Bills With The Help Of A Title Loan

2. You Can Qualify For Up To $15,000

This loan can enable you to get between $300 and $15,000 in emergency cash in as little time as possible. The exact amount you qualify to borrow depends on your car’s value, which will be determined by a representative.

That person will quickly inspect the vehicle and refer to a nationally recognized price guide. They'll let you know how much it's worth based on factors like the car’s condition, make, model, and year.

3. Your Car Stays With You

Despite using the title as collateral, you can keep your car with you even if the loan is approved. That means you don’t have to worry about finding other forms of transportation or disrupting your daily driving routines.

4. You Can Proceed With Good Or Bad Credit

Another reason title loans stand out is because you can proceed even with good or bad credit. You’ll go through the same process as everyone else as long as you can meet its requirements.

5. You Can Get One Quickly

A crucial difference that separates title loans from other options is that you can get one quickly. That means it could be useful if you need to take care of emergency bills.

If all goes well and you’re approved, the money could be transferred to you as early as the same day or by the next business day. That means you could potentially take care of your emergency bill with little or no delay.


finance emergency title loan

What Emergencies Can A Title Loan Help With?

A title loan can be used to cover a wide range of emergency expenses, such as:

  • Medical Bills: Cover costs for doctor visits, prescriptions, or urgent medical procedures.
  • Car Repairs: Use the loan to pay for necessary repairs to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
  • Utility Bills: Pay overdue electricity, water, or other utility bills to avoid disconnection.
  • Household Repairs: Take care of emergency repairs to your home, such as fixing the roof or HVAC system.
  • Rent: Prevent eviction by using the loan to cover overdue rent payments.

No matter the emergency, a title loan provides the flexibility to cover a variety of urgent bills.

How To Get A Title Loan From Fast Auto Loans, Inc.

Step 1: Submit The Online Form

Start by filling out the online form with your details. The form will require your name, contact number, ZIP code, and some basic information about your car. When you submit the form, a friendly representative at a nearby location will receive it. Then, they’ll prepare to call you soon after.

Step 2: Work With A Representative

Pick up the phone when the representative calls you. They’ll discuss your financial needs and schedule a meeting with you in person. Bring your required items to the meeting: your driver’s license, lien-free car title, and the vehicle itself for a quick inspection. The representative will help you complete the process to get your loan.

Step 3: Wait For Your Money

If all goes well and you’re approved, you’ll only have to sit back and wait for your money. You could get paid that day or by the next business day.

Apply For A Title Loan Today!

Don’t let emergency bills stress you out. Fast Auto Loans, Inc. is here to help you with a title loan. Start by submitting the online form, and a friendly representative from one of our locations will guide you through the simple process. Get the cash you need to handle your urgent expenses as soon as today!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Mason Roberts

Mason Roberts is a seasoned economics writer and blogger with a knack for breaking down and simply communicating the ever-changing world of finance. He is philosophically committed to the premise that financial knowledge equals financial freedom.

Fast Auto Loans Inc

You will be on your way to our store in no time since the call only takes a few minutes. All you need is the following items:

  • Driver’s License or State Issued I.D.
  • Lien-Free Title to Your Vehicle
  • Your Vehicle for Inspection

We also welcome all credit, so fill out our online request form and get started now!

All you have to do to start the process right now is submit our online request form on this page and one of our friendly store associates will call you right back.

When you’re ready to get the emergency cash you need without all the hassles of a traditional loan, Fast Auto Loans, Inc. has you covered. It doesn't matter what has left you in need of cash, because with a car title pawn you could get up to $15,000 today.

Carolina Title Loans